Helpful Resources

  • Four Chairs

    The Four Chairs:

    based off of Dan Spader’s “Four Chair Discipleship”

    Chair 1: Believe (Romans 10:14-15)

    Chair 2: Grow (Colossians 1:28)

    Chair 3: Serve (John 13:14)

    Chair 4: Disciple (Matthew 28:18-20)

    We want to see those who don’t know Jesus come to know Jesus. We do this through sharing the gospel, meeting both physical and spiritual needs of our community, and through being a light to the community through our love for one another.

    We want to see those who know Jesus become more like Jesus. We do this through caring for the souls of our brothers and sisters in Christ by worshiping together, studying the Bible together, helping them see their identity in Christ, and modeling and teaching what it means to follow Jesus.

    We want to see those who know Jesus have the servant’s heart that Jesus modeled and commanded. We do this through caring about the needs of others before our own, using our gifts to build up the church, and loving others even when we don’t feel like it.

    We want to see maturing Christians help other Christians grow in their walk with Jesus. We do this through training and encouraging our church to practice the “one another’s,” helping Christians understand and explain their faith biblically, and equipping our members for the work of ministry.

  • Four Truths

    Four Truths:

    Knowing Who God Is...

    Believing What God Has Done For Us and In us...

    Living As Who God Says We Are...

    Pursuing Joyful Obedience...

    Understanding and pursuing these four biblical truths is the foundation for us becoming more mature in Christ.

    We teach and study God’s Word in order to know the character of our creator and savior. We were created for a relationship with our creator. Increasing in the knowledge of God leads us to worship and glorify the God who is perfectly holy in all of His ways. We believe that faith in and understanding of God’s character is the foundation for the next three truths.

    We teach and study God’s redeeming work through the whole counsel of God. (Both Old and New Testaments) We believe that understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ is the starting and ending point of the Christian life. The person and work of Jesus is the foundation for the Christian life. We believe the promise of the New Covenant is essential for Christian maturity.

    We teach and study our identity in Christ. We believe that most Christians have an identity crisis. We seek to care for the souls of our brothers and sisters in Christ by teaching them who they are in Christ and correcting/encouraging them when they believe unbiblical ideas about their identity.

    We teach Christ’s commands as clear expectations of Christian pursuit. Obedience to Christ is how we bear fruit in every good work. We believe that we are made righteous in Christ through faith alone, but this faith transforms us to love God and love others. Therefore, obedience is joyful pursuit. Obedience is a sign that we love God.

  • Why the local church matters

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  • Discipleship

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  • Evangelism

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  • Biblical Counseling

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Big Questions

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